< CHRIST's Interdimensional Return

Return of CHRIST,
so long-awaited…
to be disregarded!

Expected in all lan­guages and more and less plau­si­ble ways, now we give up to ascertain that Christ,  yes the true CHRIST!
could be able to get back in tou­ch with men, just through the In­ternet.

Well, He did, af­ter hav­ing de­scended through in­ter­dimensional planes far away from our earth­ly state; and it reached hu­man­i­ty just as Je­sus had fore­told long be­fore:

"Like light­ning strik­ing from EAST to WEST"
al­lud­ing – only now can be plain –
just to the Web net­work.
Too many people do not know this, or ignore it, not responding to their own religious expectations; and in the meantime there are those who abuse this, trying to replace HIM on Earth in one way or another, destroying the word, or falsely replacing it, and in galactic competition.
Abstract – October 2024:
Beyond the false conceptions maintained by the Church and religions in general since the time of the prophets who preceded his coming to earth, CHRIST is a Being of Light who incarnated as a man to uplift a human race then and still unprepared for the Truth, due to erroneous beliefs and practices of worship..
He healed entire crowds, performed miracles and dispensed precious revelations, which were then distorted over the centuries to ensure the control exercised by the prelates - the only intermediaries between GOD and the masses - who for such things had Him brought to trial and condemned, tortured and crucified; even taking advantage of His death to strengthen their own hegemony, by falsifying His history and mission.
Despite the most widespread and deep-rooted convictions, the time has come to summarize His life experience; and he does it himself, describing it in 9 LETTERS open to all men of good will, as instruments of mutual contact – He can – to support them in overcoming the most dramatic crisis that they will have to face (probably within the next fifteen years - ed.), and direct their conduct for the rebirth of a true civilization in this new millennium.
2.4 There will be those who will receive these LETTERS with joy, since
in their souls they have known that beyond the religions of the world
has been TRUTH – the REALITY of existence.
2.4.1 These are the people who will prosper and will eventually
save the world from self-annihilation.
« CHRIST RETURN » – Letter 2, p. 55, rev. 2019 - © The Watch Publisher's edition
Whoever reads and asks to understand more and more, will have an answer, and I repeat it in His name; believing does not matter when we can verify it.
This is his only and possible Return to complete his mission, since the very high vibrational level reached after His crucifixion on the earthly level has excluded any further incarnation.
Return already occurred, for those who are not yet aware of it, just read His 9 LETTERS to realize it well; Letters that I would define Lessons (He would never do it ;), such as to combine familiarity, depth and absolute elevation.

A broader vision, even more so in the particular circumstances of today mentioned above, requires to place alongside that of CHRIST the figure of ENOC , celestial dispenser of truth and justice, harmony and balance.
As CHRIST is sublime Love, ENOCH is Wisdom and Knowledge.
According to the Royal Masonic Cyclopedia, he invented writing and taught men the art of building. Having lived as the seventh patriarch after Adam around the tenth millennium BC for 365 years (the number of the solar cycle – in 300 of which he “walked with God”), his fate was very different from that of the Nazarene, having never died but rather taken to Heaven while still alive by GOD himself, who wanted Him beside HIMSELF.

The impostors who are play­ing false cards to en­sure con­trol of this and fu­ture gen­er­a­tions on the plan­et are mere­ly sim­u­lat­ing one or the oth­er of the two Im­ag­es, giv­en their ab­so­lute val­ue in cre­a­tion.
focus – Friday, April 15, 2022
CRISTO ha fatto ritorno lon­ta­no da fa­na­ti­smi re­li­gio­si, dal­la fu­or­vian­te pre­sun­zio­ne te­o­lo­gi­ca, dai fal­si dog­mi e sca­val­can­do il mo­no­po­lio di ste­re­o­ti­pe a­spet­ta­ti­ve, che al­tro non sono se non in­si­pien­ti rinvii.
There is no possible alternative to this return, after his only human experience; and anyone who boasts or claims to be his current reincarnation is speaking false.
Christ has descended since 1998, to support in the moment of max­i­mum labor – which he had foreseen – all those who are ready to receive him and to share his unconditional LOVE, of whatever color, race, culture and belief they may be, whose prayer starts from deep in the heart and from one's own actions, that is, from the courage to give up one's selfishness and egocentrism.

He is already present to those who want to receive Him, so do not wait for him to appear in plain sight between clouds and rays of the sun, as HE is higher than the sun, and his longing is to reach, communicate and interact with the soul of each man, without the need for give a show and leverage on suggestion.
Should you ever see and hear it publicly, as your eyes and ears could like, know that it will only be a hologram, a deception de­signed for a long time with special technologies, in order to sub­sti­tute the Truth, just to affirm an alien power; more than what the Catholic Church itself has already been doing for two millennia, exercising the powerful weapon of control of the spirit.

What other means could have been more adequate and effective than web, so that [our] world could be informed and welcome such a message? What else could he have depicted and dictated to the apostle John in his time?

The network, you know, it runs like a flash from one end of the globe; but ...

It will not be limited to a mere symbolic reference: a phys­i­cal re­sponse, in­deed ge­o­phys­i­cal, could not fail to em­pha­size the off­spring of so much en­er­get­ic pow­er to dic­tate the sto­ry on Earth as well as of the whole Earth.

  1. An un­mis­tak­a­ble light­ning hit the pin­na­cle of the ba­sil­i­ca of St. Pe­ter’s, Rome [«from East» 02­­/12­­/2013] the em­blem­at­ic day and sin­gu­lar cir­cum­stance in which re­signed the 111th Pope (the vi­sion of S. Mal­a­chi want it to be the pe­nul­ti­mate – see link be­low: A­poc­alisse, I­tal­ian text only so far) Ben­e­dict XVI;

  2. With­in less than one year, light­ning touch­es the tip of the mid­dle fin­ger of the stat­ue of Christ, which pro­tects Rio de Ja­nei­ro from the Cor­co­va­do moun­tain [«to West» 14.01.2014], with even great­er del­i­ca­cy that does not cause se­ri­ous dam­age to the UNESCO World Her­it­age sta­tus, but ra­ther high­light­ing the e­vent as if it were con­nect­ed to the pre­vi­ous, in a sin­gle an­nounce­ment.
More­o­ver, it will be quite dif­fi­cult to cast doubt upon, hav­ing tak­en careful note of the fol­low­ing two par­a­graphs.

Some un­con­cealed me­dia sus­pi­cions aired, per­haps toying with the hy­poth­e­sis of a link, too strin­gent in it­self to be able to ig­nore; but the sug­ges­tion fad­ed soon giv­ing way to the lack of an an­swer; which ac­tu­al­ly is the norm in the in­for­ma­tion that feeds on it­self. Yet the an­swer ex­ist­ed, an­no­un­ced by the a­bove ex­pres­sion, in the last one of the nine Let­ters dic­tated by Christ since 1998, i.e. mo­re or less sev­en years be­fore the ‘e­vent’.

In truth, to dis­pel any doubt there is an un­mis­tak­a­ble trace in the his­tor­i­cal plaque affixed to the foot of his most fa­mous and ex­plored stat­ue in the world, al­though for peo­ple this is only a cu­rio, not to be no­ticed and cer­tain­ly con­nect­ed to the Scrip­tures. But it tes­ti­fi­es to an his­tor­i­cal e­vent that per­fect­ly re­presents the out­line of that fu­ture man­i­fes­ta­tion, and much stronger.

This is what can be fo­cused as the ir­ref­u­ta­ble his­tor­i­cal matrix!!

The same in­ven­tor Gu­gliel­mo Mar­co­ni was cal­led to en­a­ble the il­lu­mi­na­tion of the Re­deem­er stat­ue in Rio De Ja­nei­ro at its in­au­gu­ra­tion, pi­lot­ing the de­vices with ra­dio pulse launched - of­fi­cial­ly - right from ... the Vat­i­can!
It was con­firmed in a mes­sage to the world by Pope John Paul II, a mes­sage that could be cit­ed as a blue­print of what was next to man­i­fest!
The pro­cess did not work prop­er­ly … due to bad weath­er; but more likely be­cause some­thing else was planned with­out mis­takes.
The ref­er­ences to the sa­cred verses of Mat­thew 24-27 to this proc­la­ma­tion of Je­sus are pre­sented in an al­most 'ka­lei­do­scop­ic' man­ner by the 24 al­ter­nate trans­la­tions, all e­qual­ly un­a­ble to cor­rect­ly ren­der the o­rig­i­nals, giv­en the ob­vi­ous im­prob­a­bil­i­ty of a re­al­is­tic in­ter­pre­ta­tion of the technological context of the 21st century.

They were compared 24 ver­sions of the Scrip­ture, pho­tos and the in­dis­put­a­ble sense of the whole, in this ‘mo­ment’ on Twit­ter; but this function seems to have been suppressed (cost a few works …). So I inserted the top 12 on this page (view 24 here), whilst I had up­dat­ed the most sig­nif­i­cant de­tails [in I­tal­ian so far] to the page that re­sponds un­fail­ing­ly to the call into the A­poc­a­lypse 13:18 of John, sec­tion "il ritorno di Cristo" the text col­or­ed in red.

A dic­ta­tion made pos­si­ble by the sup­port of a “Re­cord­er” (a 'sec­ret­ary', as she called herself ), max­im­ally and deeply dis­posed directly by the CHRIST, especially for over 40 years of her in­car­nat­ion, in view of this o­ver­all task. Her i­den­ti­ty has nev­er been dis­closed (he had 94 years in the Sept. 2013) since that – how can we ap­pre­ci­ate fur­ther on – it is nei­ther nec­es­sary nor would be use­ful or con­struc­tive in it­self.
She acted as a tool, ex­er­cised re­cord­ing to the com­pu­ter the reg­u­lar and reg­u­lat­ed word­ing of the Christ, but noth­ing dif­fer­ent or er­ro­ne­ous. .
Egli stes­so lo spie­ga, in un ‘ar­ti­co­lo’ de­di­ca­to:
It is not pos­si­ble for me to re­turn to earth in any form
- either as a child, which could not contain my pow­er­ful vi­bra­tions,
or as a Ce­les­ti­al Be­ing.
The mul­ti­tudes would be un­a­ble to see me.
Just as there are things seen and heard by an­i­mals
which are in­vis­i­ble to the hu­man eye, so do I re­main in­vis­i­ble to
peo­ple who are on an earth­ly wave­length.
Con­se­quent­ly, I have had to pre­pare the mind of an e­volved soul
who took on hu­man form to br­ing my mes­sage to earth.
Those who are suf­fi­ciently spir­i­tually evolved to hear - will hear.
Those who are not yet ready, will not hear
and will not be able to re­ceive - at this pre­sent time.
But all peo­ple are on the up­ward walk lead­ing
e­ven­tu­al­ly to the very high­est Celestial kingdoms.
A very different story – it is essential to note – from those of the multiplied alleged apparitions of the Master who, mind you, is no longer Jesus of Nazareth as sensitives, seers, channels or whatever you want to call him, claim he appeared to them ...
Indeed, the significant introduction that she offers us to this experience of hers deserves attention. "Before re­a­ding Christ’s Let­ters, you may want to know how this spi­ri­tual e­xercise of tran­smis­sion of con­sciousness was ac­hieved."
Ec­co­ne al­cu­ni e­strat­ti (dal PDF com­ple­to):
The work of pre­par­ing me to be­come Christ’s re­cord­er be­gan 40 years ago, when as a com­mit­ted Chris­tian, en­coun­ter­ing griev­ous difficul­ties as a far­mer, and ask­ing Christ for help, an un­ex­pec­ted force­ful an­swer caused me to re-ex­am­ine and dis­card all re­li­gious dog­ma. En­light­en­ment fol­lowed and clear­ly led in new di­rec­tions of work and study, I founded a busi­ness deal­ing with peo­ple, which flourished. For sev­en years I enjoyed suc­cess and much hap­pi­ness.
To grow in spir­i­tu­al un­der­stand­ing, I then went through di­verse very trau­mat­ic hu­man ex­pe­ri­ences and af­ter much suf­fer­ing, pain­ful­ly and gain­ful­ly learnt their les­sons then trans­cended them spir­i­tually.
One eve­ning, in re­sponse to pray­er for guid­ance, the pres­ence of Christ be­came a re­al­i­ty, who gave me ir­ref­u­ta­ble proof of his i­den­ti­ty.
He spoke to me for an hour, send­ing strong waves of Cos­mic Love through my body and gave me a brief de­scrip­tion of what I was to be taught and e­ven­tu­al­ly a­chieve. A fort­night lat­er, he led me through a tran­scen­dent ex­pe­ri­ence of Con­scious Un­ion with ‘God’.
I be­came a heal­er and in­stru­men­tal in some in­stan­ta­ne­ous heal­ings.
From 1966-1978, at im­por­tant points of my life, in re­sponse to ques­tion­ing, Christ in­structed me in spir­i­tu­al-sci­en­tif­ic prin­ci­ples, now ex­plained by Christ in his Let­ters.
In 1975, I ex­pe­ri­enced a night of vi­sions de­scrib­ing e­vents be­tween l983 and l994, all of which came true.
I was a­gain told there would be work for me to do in the fu­ture.
In the past four years I have been led through men­tal­/e­mo­tion­al pu­ri­fi­cation, reach­ing my goal of per­fect in­ner peace and joy. Christ has put me through a grad­u­al but very clear re­fin­ing pro­cess. When per­fect­ly emp­ty of self, mal­le­a­ble and re­cep­tive - the Voice be­gan its dic­ta­tion and the Let­ters be­gan to take shape.

These Let­ters are en­tire­ly the work of Christ.
Dur­ing the writ­ing of the LET­TERS, I was clear­ly told to leave my­self out of the pic­ture that CHRIST’S LET­TERS must stand en­tire­ly on their own. Peo­ple must de­cide for them­selves wheth­er the Let­ters rang true or wheth­er peo­ple felt they were fake.
I had writ­ten down what I had re­ceived, I would try to get them out for pub­lic scru­ti­ny and what­ev­er hap­pened af­ter that was strict­ly be­tween the read­er of the LET­TERS and Christ Con­scious­ness.

Re­sult &  Syn­the­sis

“I the CHRIST, known as ‘Jesus’ in Palestine,
more than 2000 years ago,
have returned
at this most critical time
in world history
to speak to you.”
9 sub­stan­tial LET­TERS, pub­lished in a book on sale in the e­di­tion of Eng­lish lan­guage o­rig­i­nal, first with the ti­tle “CHRIST RE­TURNS - SPEAKS HIS TRUTH”, and in the se­cond e­di­tion: “CHRIST RE­TURNS - RE­VEALS STAR­TLING TRUTH”; si­mul­ta­ne­ous­ly trans­lated into ten lan­guages to be dis­trib­ut­ed free all over the world, thanks to the lat­er e­lec­tron­ic for­mat pro­gress.
Fol­lowed 16 ar­ti­cles con­tain­ing fur­ther guid­ance and teach­ings, in­tend­ed not only to open our eyes over the dan­gers of the pre­sent time, but also the de­vel­op­ment of men dur­ing the next two mil­len­nia. Fi­nal­ly a heart­felt ap­peal to hu­mans.

Here is the rule of the 9 LET­TERS de­ploy­ment scheme:

  1. Christ speaks of his rea­sons for re­turn­ing to dic­tate these Let­ters. Says that man­kind brings their own woes upon them through their thoughts and ac­tions. Ex­plains why his true mis­sion on earth was not re­cord­ed prop­er­ly. Says there is no such thing as ‘sin a­gainst God’; nei­ther is our true Source of Be­ing un­der­stood. De­scribes his six weeks in the de­sert and what re­al­ly took place - what he learnt and how the know­ledge changed him from re­bel to Mas­ter and Heal­er.
  2. Con­tin­ues the sto­ry of his life on earth, his re­turn to his mo­ther in Naz­a­reth and re­cep­tion! His first pub­lic heal­ing and the tre­men­dous re­sponse. Choos­ing dis­ci­ples. His true teach­ings.
  3. Con­tin­ues life in­ci­dents, teach­ings, his a­ware­ness that his time on earth was to be cut short by cru­ci­fix­ion. The things he did to a­rouse the an­ger of the Jew­ish Re­li­gious Lead­ers.
    What re­al­ly took place and was said at the ‘Last sup­per’, the dis­ci­ples’ at­ti­tudes, and the truth con­cern­ing his ‘as­cen­sion’.
  4. Christ gath­ers up the threads of his teach­ings in Pal­es­tine and says that he and Mu­ham­mad, Bud­dha and all oth­er Mas­ters have con­tin­ued to de­vel­op spir­i­tually un­til they have all as­cended into CHRIST CON­SCIOUS­NESS. Christ speaks of the truth of the sex­u­al re­la­tion­ship, say­ing that the at­ti­tude be­tween men and wom­en will e­ven­tu­al­ly change. Spir­i­tu­al pro­gress will take place and chil­dren with new spir­i­tu­al po­ten­tial will be born.
  5. &
  6. Christ be­gins to ex­plain the true pro­cess­es of cre­a­tion. He touch­es on what sci­ence and re­li­gious doc­trines have be­lieved, re­jects them and de­fines the TRUTH of BE­ING.
    He touch­es on the truth re­gard­ing the hu­man ego, - the means of earth­ly in­di­vid­u­al­i­ty and there­fore nec­es­sary, but also the source of all suf­fer­ing.
  7. Christ de­scribes the truth con­cern­ing the sex­u­al act - what re­al­ly takes place spir­i­tually and phys­i­cal­ly. How chil­dren are born on dif­fer­ent lev­els of con­scious­ness. He ex­plains men and wom­en’s place in the world or­der.
  8. Christ ex­plains the re­al­i­ty of men and wom­en, how to live with­in the LAWS of EX­IST­ENCE and come into a state of har­mo­ni­ous bless­ed state of be­ing in which all things are a­bun­dant­ly pro­vid­ed, health is re­stored, and joy be­comes a nat­u­ral state of mind. Eve­ry in­di­vid­u­al can reach this in­te­ri­or state of bless­ed­ness, and peace will then be­come the norm.
  9. Christ ties up loose ends of his oth­er Let­ters and tells peo­ple plain­ly how to o­ver­come the ego, gain true self-es­teem and ex­pe­ri­ence the joy of per­fect in­ner peace. He touch­es on rac­ism and a per­son­al mes­sage of en­cour­age­ment and love to all who are drawn to his Let­ters.

Now as then, and fi­nal­ly, at 9th Let­ter he an­nounces, out­lines, through the sev­er­al steps of its word­ing, in short, of­fers at 360 de­grees His di­rect sup­port to those who long to re­ceive It: a range of ben­e­fits that no church could ever guar­an­tee or prom­ise; and you don’t need an­y­thing but ask, if you have a true and deep com­mit­ment, leav­ing out any tra­di­tion­al be­lief, only son of a sec­u­lar hear­say!
All I can add - and I can sub­scribe for dai­ly ex­pe­ri­ence - it goes that to read and re­read these Let­ters is like to tune your ra­dio-as­tral re­ceiv­ing sta­tion on a cer­tain wave­length, live, and lit­tle by lit­tle ... it’s un­de­ni­a­ble, your state of be­ing chang­es!

  • «Christ prom­ised in the LET­TERS that they would form a link be­tween the read­er’s mind and Christ Mind and help would be giv­en in un­der­stand­ing the deep mean­ing hid­den be­hind the words.
    Many peo­ple have re­port­ed ex­pe­ri­enc­ing that con­tact.
    Many peo­ple have been a­ware of an in­flow of in­sight.»
What else?
On the one hand, a di­gres­sion to say the least at­trac­tive, of his true life and ex­pe­ri­ence in Pal­es­tine: of an ex­traor­di­nary val­ue, both his­tor­i­cal and es­o­ter­ic.
The oth­er, a hu­man ego pro­file teach­ing, in­tend­ed to trans­mute at the root each pulse and spon­ta­ne­ous con­di­tion­ing, gen­er­at­ed by the in­stinct of self-as­ser­tion; to be grad­u­al­ly re­placed by the lib­er­a­tion-re­lease that co­mes sole­ly from spir­i­tu­al re­as­cent

The no­tions that dis­penses, form the core of a know­ledge re­searched for cen­tu­ries, and still more, great­ly by the in­i­ti­ates, even with the ‘op­er­at­ing in­struc­tions’. All this is­sued in the most el­e­men­ta­ry hu­man form; sim­plic­i­ty has al­ways been the most un­as­sail­a­ble safe of truths.

You will eas­i­ly no­tice how each post of the Twit­ter pro­file @RitornaCristo - also re­port­ed in the gal­lery (al­be­it now ra­ther out-of-date) of the web­site christ.di­rect - which con­tains a piece of the Let­ters, show how much weight and how much truth are con­densed in each in­di­vid­u­al sen­tence, truth even if des­tined to flow a­mong the many in the con­tin­u­ous read­ing of the text.
From eve­ry step ex­trap­o­lat­ed and high­light­ed, pre­cise­ly to be re-pro­posed in­di­vid­u­al­ly to glob­al re­flec­tion, the rep­re­sent­a­tive force of truth e­merges and im­poses it­self; sub­lime or o­ver­whelm­ing that must be put.

Does it make a sense to doubt that Christ could make use of the glob­al net­work? and how best could He ful­fill his prom­ise to re­turn to address all humanity that now knows him?
Call­ing up by a tweet-ex­cerpt from the pag­es 19-20 of the LET­TER n. 6
His words a­bout (you may have to click the tweet image to wiev the full text):
6.111.1 All that people have known of such a super-human god
has been derived from reading the colourful descriptions of ‘God’
given by prophets during their sojourn on earth.
6.111.2 It is a hallmark of how illusory are religious beliefs
that religionists return only to the ancients for their truth
since they cannot believe that GOD is truly real, eternal
and equally able to speak to people in your day and age.
You can download here the new editorial and optimized revision in a single 333-page book in PDF, or 3D flippable, for free). To you, therefore, to rejoice in the Truth and the infinite Love of CHRIST!