Expected in all languages
and more and less plausible ways,
now we give up to ascertain that Christ,
yes the true CHRIST!
could be able to get back in
touch with men, just through the Internet.
Well, He did, after having descended through interdimensional planes far away
from our earthly state;
and it reached humanity just as Jesus had foretold long before:
"Like lightning striking from EAST to WEST"
alluding – only now can be plain –
just to the Web network.
Too many people do not know this, or ignore it, not responding to their own religious expectations; and in the meantime there are those who abuse this, trying to replace HIM on Earth in one way or another, destroying the word, or falsely replacing it, and in galactic competition.
[right-click the Dates to view the Tweets in a new table if not visible]
Beyond the false conceptions maintained by the Church and religions in general since the time of the prophets who preceded his coming to earth, CHRIST is a Being of Light who incarnated as a man to uplift a human race then and still unprepared for the Truth, due to erroneous beliefs and practices of worship..
He healed entire crowds, performed miracles and dispensed precious revelations, which were then distorted over the centuries to ensure the control exercised by the prelates - the only intermediaries between GOD and the masses - who for such things had Him brought to trial and condemned, tortured and crucified; even taking advantage of His death to strengthen their own hegemony, by falsifying His history and mission.
Despite the most widespread and deep-rooted convictions, the time has come to summarize His life experience; and he does it himself, describing it in 9 LETTERS open to all men of good will, as instruments of mutual contact – He can – to support them in overcoming the most dramatic crisis that they will have to face (probably within the next fifteen years - ed.), and direct their conduct for the rebirth of a true civilization in this new millennium.
2.4 There will be those who will receive these LETTERS with joy, since
in their souls they have known that beyond the religions of the world
has been TRUTH – the REALITY of existence.
2.4.1 These are the people who will prosper and will eventually
save the world from self-annihilation.
Whoever reads and asks to understand more and more, will have an answer, and I repeat it in His name; believing does not matter when we can verify it.
This is his only and possible Returnto complete his mission, since the very high vibrational level reached after His crucifixion on the earthly level has excluded any further incarnation.
Return already occurred, for those who are not yet aware of it, just read His 9 LETTERS to realize it well; Letters that I would define Lessons (He would never do it ;), such as to combine familiarity, depth and absolute elevation.
A broader vision, even more so in the particular circumstances of today mentioned above, requires to place alongside that of CHRIST the figure of ENOC , celestial dispenser of truth and justice, harmony and balance.
As CHRIST is sublime Love, ENOCH is Wisdom and Knowledge.
According to the Royal Masonic Cyclopedia, he invented writing and taught men the art of building.
Having lived as the seventh patriarch after Adam around the tenth millennium BC for 365 years (the number of the solar cycle – in 300 of which he “walked with God”), his fate was very different from that of the Nazarene, having never died but rather taken to Heaven while still alive by GOD himself, who wanted Him beside HIMSELF.
The impostors who are playing false cards to ensure control of this and future generations on the planet are merely simulating one or the other of the two Images, given their absolute value in creation.
focus – Friday, April 15, 2022
CRISTO ha fatto ritorno lontano da fanatismi religiosi, dalla fuorviante presunzione teologica, dai falsi dogmi e scavalcando il monopolio di stereotipe aspettative, che altro non sono se non insipienti rinvii.
There is no possible alternative to this return, after his only human experience; and anyone who boasts or claims to be his current reincarnation is speaking false.
Christ has descended since 1998, to support in the moment of maximum labor – which he had foreseen – all those who are ready to receive him and to share his unconditional LOVE, of whatever color, race, culture and belief they may be, whose prayer starts from deep in the heart and from one's own actions, that is, from the courage to give up one's selfishness and egocentrism.
He is already present to those who want to receive Him, so do not wait for him to appear in plain sight between clouds and rays of the sun, as HE is higher than the sun, and his longing is to reach, communicate and interact with the soul of each man, without the need for give a show and leverage on suggestion.
Should you ever see and hear it publicly, as your eyes and ears could like, know that it will only be a hologram, a deception designed for a long time with special technologies, in order to substitute the Truth, just to affirm an alien power; more than what the Catholic Church itself has already been doing for two millennia, exercising the powerful weapon of control of the spirit.
What other means could have been more adequate and effective than web, so that [our] world could be informed and welcome such a message?
What else could he have depicted and dictated to the apostle John in his time?
The network, you know, it runs like a flash from one end of the globe; but ...
It will not be limited to a mere symbolic reference:
a physical response, indeed geophysical, could not fail to emphasize the offspring of so much energetic power to dictate
the story on Earth as well as of the whole Earth.
An unmistakable lightning hit the pinnacle of the basilica of St. Peter’s, Rome
[«from East» 02/12/2013] the emblematic day and singular circumstance in which resigned the 111th Pope
(the vision of S. Malachi want it to be the penultimate – see link below: Apocalisse, Italian text only so far) Benedict XVI;
Within less than one year, lightning touches the tip of the middle finger of the statue of Christ, which protects Rio de Janeiro from the Corcovado mountain [«to West» 14.01.2014], with even greater delicacy that does not cause serious damage to the UNESCO World Heritage status, but rather highlighting the event as if it were connected to the previous, in a single announcement.
Moreover, it will be quite difficult to cast doubt upon, having taken careful note of the following two paragraphs.
Some unconcealed media suspicions aired, perhaps toying with the hypothesis of a link, too stringent in itself to be able to ignore; but the suggestion faded soon giving way to the lack of an answer; which actually is the norm in the information that feeds on itself. Yet the answer existed, announced by the above expression, in the last one of the nine Letters dictated by Christ since 1998, i.e. more or less seven years before the ‘event’.
In truth, to dispel any doubt there is an unmistakable trace in the historical plaque affixed to the foot of his most famous and explored statue in the world, although for people this is only a curio, not to be noticed and certainly connected to the Scriptures. But it testifies to an historical event that perfectly represents the outline of that future manifestation, and much stronger.
This is what can be focused as the irrefutable historical matrix!!
The same inventor Guglielmo Marconi was called to enable the illumination of the Redeemer statue in Rio De Janeiro at its inauguration, piloting the devices with radio pulse launched - officially - right from ... the Vatican!
It was confirmed in a message to the world by Pope John Paul II, a message that could be cited as a blueprint of what was next to manifest!
The process did not work properly … due to bad weather; but more likely because something else was planned without mistakes.
The references to the sacred verses of Matthew 24-27 to this proclamation of Jesus are presented in an almost 'kaleidoscopic' manner by the 24 alternate translations, all equally unable to correctly render the originals, given the obvious improbability of a realistic interpretation of the technological context of the 21st century.
They were compared 24 versions of the Scripture, photos and the indisputable sense of the whole, in this
‘moment’ on Twitter; but this function seems to have been suppressed (cost a few works …). So I inserted the top 12 on this page (view 24 here), whilst I had updated the most significant details [in Italian so far] to the page that responds unfailingly to the call into the Apocalypse 13:18 of John, section "il ritorno di Cristo" the text colored in red.
A dictation made possible by the support of a “Recorder” (a 'secretary', as she called herself ), maximally and deeply disposed directly by the CHRIST, especially for over 40 years of her incarnation, in view of this overall task. Her identity has never been disclosed (he had 94 years in the Sept. 2013) since that – how can we appreciate further on – it is neither necessary nor would be useful or constructive in itself.
She acted as a tool, exercised recording to the computer the regular and regulated wording of the Christ, but nothing different or erroneous. .
Egli stesso lo spiega, in un ‘articolo’ dedicato:
“ It is not possible for me to return to earth in any form
- either as a child, which could not contain my powerful vibrations,
or as a Celestial Being.
The multitudes would be unable to see me.
Just as there are things seen and heard by animals
which are invisible to the human eye, so do I remain invisible to
people who are on an earthly wavelength.
Consequently, I have had to prepare the mind of an evolved soul
who took on human form to bring my message to earth.
Those who are sufficiently spiritually evolved to hear - will hear.
Those who are not yet ready, will not hear
and will not be able to receive - at this present time.
But all people are on the upward walk leading
eventually to the very highest Celestial kingdoms. ”
A very different story – it is essential to note – from those of the multiplied alleged apparitions of the Master who, mind you, is no longer Jesus of Nazareth as sensitives, seers, channels or whatever you want to call him, claim he appeared to them ...
Indeed, the significant introduction that she offers us to this experience of hers deserves attention.
"Before reading Christ’s Letters, you may want to know how this spiritual exercise of transmission of consciousness was achieved."
Eccone alcuni estratti (dal PDF completo):
“ The work of preparing me to become Christ’s recorder began 40 years ago, when as a committed Christian, encountering grievous difficulties as a farmer, and asking Christ for help, an unexpected forceful answer caused me to re-examine and discard all religious dogma.
Enlightenment followed and clearly led in new directions of work and study, I founded a business dealing with people, which flourished. For seven years I enjoyed success and much happiness.
To grow in spiritual understanding, I then went through diverse very traumatic human experiences and after much suffering, painfully and gainfully learnt their lessons then transcended them spiritually.
One evening, in response to prayer for guidance, the presence of Christ became a reality, who gave me irrefutable proof of his identity.
He spoke to me for an hour, sending strong waves of Cosmic Love through my body and gave me a brief description of what I was to be taught and eventually achieve. A fortnight later, he led me through a transcendent experience of Conscious Union with ‘God’.
I became a healer and instrumental in some instantaneous healings.
From 1966-1978, at important points of my life, in response to questioning, Christ instructed me in spiritual-scientific principles, now
explained by Christ in his Letters.
In 1975, I experienced a night of visions describing events between l983 and l994, all of which came true.
I was again told there would be work for me to do in the future.
… omissis …
In the past four years I have been led through mental/emotional purification, reaching my goal of perfect inner peace and joy.
Christ has put me through a gradual but very clear refining process.
When perfectly empty of self, malleable and receptive - the Voice began its dictation and the Letters began to take shape.
These Letters are entirely the work of Christ.
… omissis …
During the writing of the LETTERS, I was clearly told to leave myself out of the picture that CHRIST’S LETTERS must stand entirely on their own.
People must decide for themselves whether the Letters rang true or whether people felt they were fake.
I had written down what I had received, I would try to get them out for public scrutiny and whatever happened after that was strictly between the reader of the LETTERS and Christ Consciousness.
… ”
Result & Synthesis
“I the CHRIST, known as ‘Jesus’ in Palestine,
more than 2000 years ago,
have returned
at this most critical time
in world history,
to speak to you.”
9 substantial LETTERS, published in a book on sale in the edition of English language original, first with the title “CHRIST RETURNS - SPEAKS HIS TRUTH”,
and in the second edition: “CHRIST RETURNS - REVEALS STARTLING TRUTH”;
simultaneously translated into ten languages to be distributed free all over the world, thanks to the later electronic format progress.
Followed 16 articles containing further guidance and teachings, intended not only to open our eyes over the dangers of the present time, but also the development of men during the next two millennia. Finally a heartfelt appeal to humans.
Here is the rule of the 9 LETTERS deployment scheme:
Christ speaks of his reasons for returning to dictate these
Letters. Says that mankind brings their own woes upon them
through their thoughts and actions. Explains why his true mission on earth
was not recorded properly. Says there is no such thing as ‘sin against God’;
neither is our true Source of Being understood. Describes his six weeks in
the desert and what really took place - what he learnt and how the
knowledge changed him from rebel to Master and Healer.
Continues the story of his life on earth, his return to his mother
in Nazareth and reception! His first public healing and the
tremendous response. Choosing disciples. His true teachings.
Continues life incidents, teachings, his awareness that his time
on earth was to be cut short by crucifixion. The things he did to
arouse the anger of the Jewish Religious Leaders.
What really took place
and was said at the ‘Last supper’, the disciples’ attitudes, and the truth
concerning his ‘ascension’.
Christ gathers up the threads of his teachings in Palestine and
says that he and Muhammad, Buddha and all other Masters
have continued to develop spiritually until they have all ascended into
CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS. Christ speaks of the truth of the sexual relationship,
saying that the attitude between men and women will eventually change.
Spiritual progress will take place and children with new spiritual potential
will be born.
Christ begins to explain the true processes of creation.
He touches on what science and religious doctrines have
believed, rejects them and defines the TRUTH of BEING.
He touches on the
truth regarding the human ego, - the means of earthly individuality and
therefore necessary, but also the source of all suffering.
Christ describes the truth concerning the
sexual act - what really takes place spiritually and
physically. How children are born on different levels of
consciousness. He explains men and women’s
place in the world order.
Christ explains the reality of men and women, how to live
within the LAWS of EXISTENCE and come into a state of
harmonious blessed state of being in which all things are abundantly
provided, health is restored, and joy becomes a natural state of mind. Every
individual can reach this interior state of blessedness, and peace will then
become the norm.
Christ ties up loose ends of his other Letters and tells people
plainly how to overcome the ego, gain true self-esteem and
experience the joy of perfect inner peace. He touches on racism and a
personal message of encouragement and love to all who are drawn to his
Now as then, and finally, at 9th Letter he announces, outlines, through
the several steps of its wording, in short, offers at 360 degrees His
direct support to those who long to receive It: a range of benefits that
no church could ever guarantee or promise; and you don’t need
anything but ask, if you have a true and deep commitment, leaving out
any traditional belief, only son of a secular hearsay!
All I can add - and I can subscribe for daily experience - it goes that to
read and reread these Letters is like to tune your radio-astral receiving
station on a certain wavelength, live, and little by little ... it’s
undeniable, your state of being changes!
«Christ promised in the LETTERS that they would form a link
between the reader’s mind and Christ Mind and help would be
given in understanding the deep meaning hidden behind the words.
Many people have reported experiencing that contact.
Many people have been aware of an inflow of insight.»
What else?
On the one hand, a digression to say the least attractive, of his true life and experience in Palestine: of an extraordinary value, both historical and esoteric.
The other, a human ego profile teaching, intended to transmute at the root each pulse and spontaneous conditioning, generated by the instinct of self-assertion; to be gradually replaced by the liberation-release that comes solely from spiritual reascent
The notions that dispenses, form the core of a knowledge researched
for centuries, and still more, greatly by the initiates, even with the
‘operating instructions’. All this issued in the most elementary human
form; simplicity has always been the most unassailable safe of truths.
You will easily notice how each post of the Twitter profile @RitornaCristo - also reported in the gallery (albeit now rather out-of-date) of the website christ.direct
- which contains a piece of the Letters, show how much weight and how much truth are condensed in each individual sentence, truth even if destined to flow among the many in the continuous reading of the text.
From every step extrapolated and highlighted, precisely to be re-proposed individually to global reflection, the representative force of truth emerges and imposes itself; sublime or overwhelming that must be put.
Does it make a sense to doubt that Christ could make use of the global
network? and how best could He fulfill his promise to return to address all humanity that now knows him?
Calling up by a tweet-excerpt from the pages 19-20 of the LETTER n. 6
«how ILLUSORY are religious beliefs, that religionists return only to…»#CHRIST Teach-in ¶L 6,19+ #www.christ.direct pic.twitter.com/AEAFvPlpTV
His words about (you may have to click the tweet image to wiev the full text):
“ 6.111.1 All that people have known of such a super-human god has been derived from reading the colourful descriptions of ‘God’
given by prophets during their sojourn on earth.
6.111.2 It is a hallmark of how illusory are religious beliefs
that religionists return only to the ancients for their truth since they cannot believe that GOD is truly real, eternal
and equally able to speak to people in your day and age.